
EasyLlama Consistently Recognized Among Top Training Software Solutions

Success Story

INNSiDE Meliá Hotel Prevents Human Trafficking with Employee Training

The INNSiDE New York NoMad Hotel is a modern city hotel and part of Meliá Hotels International, Spain’s largest hotel company. The implementation of EasyLlama's human trafficking prevention training has had a significant impact on the INNSiDE Hotel's business operations and safety-first priorities.

  • Headquarters

    Meliá, Spain
  • Founded

  • Company Size

    380+ Meliá Locations
  • Industry



Employee Satisfaction Rate


Meliá Hotels Has Been in Business for 60+ Years

The challenge

The challenge

INNSiDE Hotel faced several challenges before partnering with EasyLlama for their training and compliance needs. They struggled to keep up with training addressing human trafficking in the hospitality industry, particularly during the onboarding process. The hotel also recognized the need for a structured training option that could more efficiently track course completion as well as educate employees on identifying and reporting human trafficking because “safety is a top priority here,” explained Daniel DeMaria, INNSiDE HR Coordinator.


The Solution

With EasyLlama’s Human Trafficking prevention course, INNSiDE Hotel has established a culture that actively combats human trafficking. DeMaria also spoke to the positive feedback he’s received from employees that EasyLlama’s training is “informative and easy to follow, with no complaints.” One of the key benefits of EasyLlama's training is its visual and practical approach. “The videos really help illustrate the subtle signs that we should pick up on in the hotel industry,” expressed DeMaria. “It just makes everyone feel more confident that we're putting their safety first.”

The Solution

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EasyLlama Gives Us Peace of Mind

I can't provide an exact estimate of the time saved with EasyLlama, but it does give us peace of mind, which is priceless. EasyLlama really helps streamline the training process, especially keeping track of completion. And the videos really help illustrate the subtle signs that we should pick up on in the hotel industry. It just makes everyone feel more confident that we're putting their safety first.

-Daniel DeMaria, HR Coordinator


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