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Workplace Harassment Investigation Questions: Here's What You Need To Ask

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has guidelines that mandate employers to conduct investigations whenever they learn of any alleged harassment in the workplace. The aim of a harassment investigation is to develop accurate, detailed, and factual evidence of the nature of the complaint and present it to management, who then take action. This extensive list of questions can help one conduct a serious and specific investigation.

Workplace Harassment Investigation Questions: Here's What You Need To Ask

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Questions to Ask the Complainant

When did the incident take place? The date, time, and duration. What happened? Describe the incident.

Questions for the Alleged Harasser

What happened? Where were you when it occurred?

In the case that the subject does not deny that the altercation took place, ask:

When did it happen? Where did it happen? Who else was involved?

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