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Cultural Competency Training

Help employees understand the different aspects of culture and common cultural values. We'll explore cultural sensitivity, competency, and humility, including why these traits are important and how to apply them in the workplace.
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Cultural Competency Training

Course Preview

  • 20 minutes to complete
    20 minutes to complete
  • Available in over 100 languages
    Available in over 100 languages
  • Instant certificate download
    Instant certificate download
  • Mobile and tablet friendly
    Mobile and tablet friendly

Help Protect Your Organization with Cultural competency Training

With EasyLlama’s course, learners will discover how to develop their own cultural competency and improve their ability to be effective in diverse groups. Learners will explore the core foundations and key elements of cultural competency, as well as learn about the challenges that may be encountered when working with individuals and groups from different backgrounds.
Cultural Competency
Diversity & Inclusion
Help Protect Your Organization with Cultural competency Training


Employees Will Learn:

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    Cultural competency definition

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    How cultural competency impacts the workplace

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    Recognize how cultural identity and organizational power relate

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    Best practices to maintain a positive culture

What’s included
The Most Comprehensive online Cultural Competency Training

The online training course from EasyLlama gives learners a fresh perspective on how they view and treat others and can encourage them to embrace and appreciate the diversity of their workplace. The course covers:

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: What Is Culture?
Chapter 3: What is Cultural Competency
Chapter 4: Cultural Humility
Chapter 5: Cultural Competency At Work
Chapter 6: Organization Power
Chapter 7: Conclusion
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There’s a Reason Why We’re The Highest rated in the industry
Join 7,000+ companies that love the new way of workplace training

Why Cultural Competency training Matters In The Workplace

Cultural competency training is becoming increasingly important as professionals and organizations expand their reach to customers and employees of diverse backgrounds. As a result, more workplace programs focus on increasing cultural awareness, understanding, and participation through education.

Why Cultural Competency training Matters In The Workplace
Promote a welcoming work environment with Cultural competency training

Cultural diversity in the workplace has been proven to generate more efficient, creative, and productive outcomes. The more open, nonjudgmental, and curious we can be about the global diversity around us, the better colleagues and more informed citizens we can become.

HR Training shouldn't be complicated

Customization for all of your company needs

Customization for all of your company needs - show your brand, industry, and even your company colors.

Customization for all of your company needs

Customization for all of your company needs - show your brand, industry, and even your company colors.

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Foster Inclusivity and capitalize on intercultural insights

Cultural competency will make your organization more customer-centric, and ultimately boost employee engagement. Improve cooperation and collaboration by encouraging the sharing of information and perspectives between team members with differing backgrounds.
Foster Inclusivity and capitalize on intercultural insights
Get started today in 5 minutes
Ready To Get Started With EasyLlama?
Purchase Training Licenses
Simply buy licenses based on the number of employees you want to train every year. Get access to the dashboard immediately following your purchase!
Add Employees
You can add them individually, send us a spreadsheet or connect with over 1,000 LMS and HRIS providers.
Send Email Reminders
EasyLlama automatically sends an email invitation to each employee as well as follows up with reminders so you don’t have to.

The Most Engaging Online Cultural Competency Course

EasyLlama’s Cultural Competency Course takes users through a series of interactive quizzes and videos to provide a deeper understanding of cultural competency. Learners will discover how to identify, define, and respond effectively to cultural differences. An engaging approach to learning makes this course perfect for practicing cultural competency in the workplace and beyond.
The Most Engaging Online Cultural Competency Course
Get more from EasyLlama
Also part of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Suite
EasyLlama’s Diversity and Inclusion, Bystander Intervention, and Microaggressions online training courses can continue to educate your employees on fostering an inclusive and welcoming workplace where productivity excels.
Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and Inclusion
Learn more
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Bystander Intervention
Bystander Intervention
Learn more
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Helping over 8,000+ organizations create a safer, more inclusive company culture.

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