Microaggressions Definition
Microaggressions are defined as subtle snubs, insults, or slights that are motivated by implicit biases such as stereotypes and assumptions. Microaggressions fall into three distinct communication categories: behavioral, environmental, and verbal. It is important to note that microaggressions are small acts with big consequences in the workplace. Specifically, microaggressions are the types of remarks, questions, and actions that are extremely painful and isolating for individuals because they perpetuate stereotypes, racism, and sexism.

the most thorough online microaggressions training on the market
After taking EasyLlama's engaging course, learners will be able to identify many forms of microaggression, know how to handle them, and explain how they affect the workplace. The knowledge and tools provided can serve as an important step towards improving relationships and the culture of your organization.

Helping over 8,000+ organizations create a safer, more inclusive company culture.