Cultivating Cross-Team and Organizational Relationships
Numerous studies have shown that bad company morale can lead to fading engagement. Successful leaders know how to avoid this and are adept at boosting and maintaining their organization's spirit.
Improving Morale for In-person Teams
As a leader, you should make every effort to work toward improving morale in your organization. For in-person workplaces, try incorporating periodic fun activities such as themed days, potluck gatherings, group walk-runs for charity, employee scavenger hunts, etc. Whether your employees are near or far, the more you encourage connections and fun within the group, the more likely your company’s morale will improve.
Remote Company Morale
Remote work is now very common and presents unique challenges in building company morale. But it can certainly be done with a little creative thinking. Try hosting virtual happy hours, play online trivia, invite special guests, or hold "About Me" events where employees have opportunities to share interesting things about themselves. With a quick search online, you can find an endless number of ideas.
Building a successful team is not only about finding talented people to do specific tasks well. It is about bringing the individuals together so that they become productive as a group.
Provide positive feedback when the team is successful. Celebrate big-team wins, or if a project is long-term, choose some goals along the way to celebrate when they've successfully been met.
As a leader, you should ensure that each team member understands the overall goals for the team, as well as their individual tasks. Be clear and concise in your expectations and directions and hold regular check-ins so that members can provide brief updates on the team's progress.
Even though we are all different, as social beings we usually like to belong to groups and communities. If team culture is strong, its members are likely to experience a sense of belonging and the desire to work together in a respectful and positive manner.
Working Together to Improve
If there are failures, work with the team to recognize what went wrong, what can be improved, and how those improvements can be made:
Here are some myths to look out for:
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Avoid pointing fingers and alienating people.
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Hold everyone accountable to work as a group.
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Happy, productive, and successful teams are vital to the success of leaders and their organizations.
Using Leadership training to work better together
EasyLlama’s Leadership Essentials course is perfect for training leaders how to work well together and motivate employees on a team or organizational level. Our training utilizes fun quizzes, real-life video scenarios, and high-quality content to educate new and emerging leaders in your company on the importance of working together as a team.
Helping over 8,000+ organizations create a safer, more inclusive company culture.
This online training course from EasyLlama explores foundational traits for an effective leader that can be applied in the workplace. Strong leaders can help maximize productivity, achieve business goals, motivate employees, handle conflict, and initiate action. The course covers: