Identifying Common Signs of Human Trafficking
Now let's learn about signs that may indicate someone is a victim of human trafficking. And remember, if you recognize any of the warning signs of human trafficking, do not at any time attempt to confront a suspected trafficker directly. If you are ever in a situation that could be deemed an emergency, such as witnessing threats of violence, physical assault, emergency medical needs, etc., call 911 immediately.
Signs of Human Trafficking inside a hotel room
Human Trafficking Signs in the Hospitality Industry
There isn't always a specific way to identify a victim of human trafficking. But, there are some common signs that victims often share.
Victims often avoid eye contact and interaction with others, exhibit unusual behavior, lack freedom of movement or appear to be constantly monitored, lack control over money. They may appear to be with a significantly older “boyfriend” or in the company of older males. You may also observe groups of young individuals who appear to be traveling with someone older than them.
Trafficking victims are often inappropriately dressed, with poor quality clothing, possess few or no personal items, no possession of money or ID, have identical tattoos as others they are with (branding is often done by perpetrators of trafficking).
Emotional signs can include fear, anxiety, tension, restraint, submission, and/or nervousness. Physical signs may include malnourishment, poor hygiene, fatigue, sleep deprivation, untreated illness, or injuries (from physical abuse).
How to Handle a Suspected Trafficking Situation
Remember to never confront a suspected perpetrator of trafficking directly. Also, do not try to alert a victim of your suspicions. If you suspect anything, alert a supervisor and follow your company’s protocol for the handling of these types of situations. If you witness an emergency situation, such as violence or medical needs, call 911 immediately.
Signs of a Trafficking Victim
Victims of human trafficking can be any age and identify as any gender. What signs might a victim of human trafficking exhibit? They can include:
Here are some myths to look out for:
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Appearing nervous or anxious
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Not having any money or an ID
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Avoiding eye contact
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Appearing malnourished
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Having identical tattoos as others in a group
How to look for the most common signs of Human Trafficking in the Workplace
Helping over 8,000+ organizations create a safer, more inclusive company culture.
EasyLlama’s online training course guides employees to understanding and help preventing Human Trafficking in the workplace. This course will dive into the common traits of trafficked victims, how to report trafficking, and more. The course covers: