Ageism in the workplace
Age diversity presents different experiences, expectations, styles, and perspectives that can be extremely beneficial. When intergenerational groups work together, the risk of stereotyping and prejudices can decrease.

Why Does Ageism Occur in the workplace?
Ageism in the workplace is caused by negative stereotypes and biases about certain age groups. It can lead to workplace discrimination, such as hiring or pay discrimination, and can result in age-based exclusion from certain opportunities or work-related decisions.

Rise of Ageism in the workplace
Though employees over the age of 40 are federally protected from age discrimination, employees in their 20s and 30s are reporting increasing rates of ageism in the workplace. In many cases, younger employees are unable to advance due to others' perceptions about their age.

Ageism in the workplace poses significant risks to an organization which include the following:
Ageism in the workplace can lead to lost opportunities for both older and younger workers. They may not be considered for promotions or higher-level positions due to their age.
Ageism in the workplace can lead to negative stereotypes about both older and younger workers. This can create a hostile work environment for both workers and make it difficult for them to find employment.
Ageism in the workplace can lead to a loss of experienced workers due to discrimination against older workers. This can hamper productivity and lead to a loss of institutional knowledge.
Benefits of a workplace free from ageism
Preventing ageism in the workplace is beneficial for both employers and employees. Not only does it create a more equitable work environment, but it also allows employers to benefit from the skills and experience of older workers and provides employees with more opportunities regardless of their age.
Myths surrounding Ageism in the workplace
Ageism in the workplace is a pervasive problem that affects workers. Unfortunately, myths and stereotypes about workers persist and can lead to age discrimination. Here are some common myths surrounding workers:
Here are some myths to look out for:
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Difficulty adapting to technology
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Less productive than younger workers
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More expensive to keep on payroll
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Cannot learn new skills required for an evolving job
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Not interested in training

Help Prevent Age Discrimination through employee education
This chapter of EasyLlama’s diversity course can help employers and employees create a workplace that is free from age-based discrimination. It provides strategies and tools to help create a more inclusive and diverse workplace that respects and values all employees regardless of their age.

Helping over 8,000+ organizations create a safer, more inclusive company culture.
This chapter introduces the role that age plays in the diversity of the workplace that will be further detailed throughout the course.